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About Us


BW Consultancy AB is your partner in anything related to health, life science and technology.

Whether you are passionate about a specific cause and need help bringing awareness to it or have a big project with pressing deadlines you need help delivering, or if you want to have a management consultant dedicated to your technical solutions, We are your team! 


By combining our expertise in communication, advocacy, research, and technology we give you a well-rounded team that will tackle the toughest challenges and come up with purposeful solutions as well as help you manage your projects. 

We offer impactful consulting services, expertise and many years of experience in our field. 

The Team

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Sara Badreh Wirström

Sara Badreh Wirström is the CEO and founder of BW Consultancy AB. After a masters in Molecular Life Sciences she spent 3 years at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, working with research in the field of Immunology. Besides being a researcher she is also a patient which has contributed to her big passion for patient advocacy. She has actively been involved in policy development and advocacy for more than 16 years managing large multi-stakeholder projects. 

Having the experience of being a scientist as well as being a patient has given Sara some tremendous value of being able to see both points of views very clearly. This gives her a unique and powerful advantage when working in both fields.

Besides her professional experience she is also passionate about volunteering and have been appointed board member for different patient organisations at national level as well as at European level for larger organisation.


"I believe in making a change and trying to make an impact in whatever I do, whether that be in science through research or in public service through advocacy and policy development" - Sara Badreh

Natalia Ramírez Comet, PhD

Natalia Ramírez Comet works as a Project Manager at BW Consultancy AB. She holds a PhD in Biomedicine from Barcelona's University, Spain, and has carried out a postdoctoral training on immunology at Karolinska Institute, Sweden.


For more than 10 years she has investigated the mechanisms that regulate immune cells function and interaction. This knowledge allows her to understand all types of immunotherapies and how patients affected by different diseases can benefit from them. Managing her research projects has given her experience on defining goals, planning and coordinating the activities to pursue them and overcoming the difficulties to reach them. She especially enjoyed communicating and discussing the steps during the process.


Natalia is passionate about learning and teaching immunology. She is a practical person that takes pleasure in meeting people and values the interesting exchanges that end in meaningful improvements.


n.ramirez [at]

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Paulína Gono

Paulína is part of the BW Consultancy team to contribute her expertise in communication. She holds a Master's degree in journalism from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. 


After accumulating valuable experience in the media sector, she opted to redirect her career towards communications within organisations based in Brussels. With a background spanning over five years, she has been actively involved in collaborating with nonprofit entities within the health sector. Her roles have encompassed not only managing the communication aspects of these organisations but also steering communication strategies for EU-funded projects.


Paulina is especially motivated by her love for graphic design and creating powerful social media campaigns to raise awareness about important topics. This passion has not only improved her skills but also developed her ability to come up with creative communication methods. Moreover, she is skilled not only in traditional communication methods but also in event planning and website administration, among other areas.

Karl Badreh Wirström

Karl is a senior management consultant with over 20 year’s of experience working within the tech industry and software development. With a career as a prior developer, he has a unique understanding of the fundamentals of software development in a management position. 

He is fostered in an entrepreneurial spirit and has a strong belief that technology is the enabler for a business.


As a leader he believes in trust over control, and that high ceilings and an open mindset is crucial for both employees to grow as well as delivering of creative solutions. 


"I think it’s important to have a bottom-up approach to technical decision making and shortening the ways of communication between developers and project managers is key for a higher pace of delivery. I have been working with a lot of key projects for my clients, which I have enjoyed, and I take good pride in delivering on each project in time".

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Don't hesitate to reach out to us and let us know how we may be able to help you! 

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