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  • Writer's pictureSara Badreh Wirström

Meet Natalia Ramírez Comet, PhD

Why did you choose BW Consultancy AB?

When I decided that I wanted to leave academia, I started to go to meetings in which people that have left academia for industry talked about their experience. This was a great opportunity to learn about the day to day activities related to some job positions. It was stressful too, as talk by talk I felt doors closing around me while my interest continued to be at steady state. Until the day in which I read a post in LinkedIn:

I am currently looking for a project manager to hire that has some experience with general project management or EU funded project or has a scientific background to build a longterm relationship with and help me with the current workload and to take on more projects’.

I remember that I thought that this job could offer me the opportunity to help improve Europe, and after going through the projects with Sara, the CEO, I felt at last that nice energy called motivation.


What do you like with the job?

What I enjoy the most about this and any job is learning and feeling that I am doing something useful. At BW Consultancy I am learning about clinical trials and about how to influence the decision-making process of the European Union, and I also feel I am helping to do small but incredibly important changes for Europe’s best.


Why did you choose to become a consultant?

I did not choose that, I was charmed by the importance of the projects. But I would say that this is at the end the advantage of being a consultant, that you have the chance to work with very different projects as you are ‘hired’ by very different companies.


Tell us something fun about yourself 

Although Spanish, I am such an early bird that my father aways says that I am the only one of my siblings that they never needed to scold to go to sleep. Although I still remember once when I got captivated by Harry Potter. It was 2 am on a weekday when my mother almost killed my of a heart attack: ‘But do you know what time is it?! You have school tomorrow!’. The brave early bird went to sleep immediately thinking: ‘rather miss the end of the story than dying of a second heart attack’.

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